Fish for Free in Michigan this June

Michigan: home to outstanding fishing, more than 3,000 miles of Great Lakes shoreline, 11,000 inland lakes, and tens of thousands of miles of rivers and streams.
There’s no shortage of recreational opportunities to explore – and what better time to do so than the 2019 Summer Free Fishing Weekend!
The 2019 Summer Free Fishing Weekend will be held Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9. As part of these weekends, all fishing license fees are waived for two days with residents and out-of-state visitors invited to enjoy fishing on both inland and Great Lakes’ waters for all species of fish during their respective open seasons. Please note all other regulations still apply during that time.
To encourage involvement in Free Fishing Weekends, activities are offered in communities across the state. These activities are coordinated by non-profit groups, schools, parks (local/state), businesses and others. Will you be joining them and planning a 2019 Summer Free Fishing Weekend event?
If you would like to plan an event, check out for information and resources to help! On the site you’ll find two toolkits; one focused on planning and the other on promoting your event.
If your register before May 24 you may receive a packet of materials from Fisheries Division to use during your event.
Please join this year’s efforts to help get more people out fishing. We welcome you to become a part of the tradition that is the annual Free Fishing Weekends – a time to get together and have some fishing fun!