Primal Treestands Introduces Emergency Descender for Treestand Hunters

Littleton, CO — You always wear a safety harness when you hunt from a treestand, which is smart. But, is it enough? To put it simply, no, and that’s why you need Primal Treestands’ new Emergency Descender.
So why do you need the Emergency Descender if you’re wearing a safety harness? Because it could save your life.
You see, after just a few minutes of hanging in a treestand harness after a fall, the leg straps can interrupt blood flow to and from your legs, causing a deadly condition known as suspension trauma, which can cause pain, unconsciousness and even death within as little as 15 minutes. For this reason, it’s critical to avoid hanging in the harness, and to get down as quickly and safely as possible.
The Emergency Descender lowers the hunter to the ground automatically and hands-free immediately after a fall. Even if a hunter is unconscious or injured, the Emergency Descender can provide an automatic and gradual descent to the ground.
This patented system is engineered to be rugged, compact and easy to use. It can be used with the hunter’s current full-body safety harness, as long as the harness meets ASTM standards for a fall-arrest system. The weight range for users is 120 to 300 pounds.
The Emergency Descender is small enough to fit into a coat or safety harness pocket, weighs less than 2 pounds and allows the hunter to be attached to a tree at 25 feet from the ground.
At a suggested retail price of only $50, the Emergency Descender is an affordable, simple, life-saving system every hunter should own and use.
How much is your life worth? Get down easily with the Emergency Descender, and hunt again tomorrow.
Features at a glance:
Immediately lowers you down easily in case of a fall
Automatic, friction-based and controlled-rate decent
Up to 25-feet high
120- to 300-pound weight capacity
One-time use only
Harness must meet ASTM standards for full-body harness
Learn more about the Emergency Descender at