Say Goodbye to Boating and Fishing Odors

Introducing OZ by ScentLok Marine Active Odor Destroyers at ICAST 2019
MUSKEGON, Mich. (July 1, 2019) – Ever notice how the air smells “clean” before, during and after a thunderstorm? That’s because lightning and other electrical charges in the atmosphere split nitrogen and oxygen molecules into individual atoms, some of which recombine to form O3, or ozone, giving the air a sharp, fresh aroma. In our boating and fishing world, experienced captains heed this distinct smell as a warning to hightail it back to port.
Maybe you already knew that. But did you know that the power of ozone can be harnessed to destroy other odors? Again, chemistry—and the specific process known as oxidation —makes it possible.
The Science Behind Odor Destruction
The O3 molecule is inherently unstable; the third oxygen atom has a tendency to break its relatively weak bond and attach to other nearby molecules at any opportunity, forming new compounds in the process. When a molecule with a distinct odor receives an additional oxygen atom through oxidation, it is changed to something new that no longer possesses the recognizable odor. That’s why ozone is such a powerful odor destroyer. It’s also why ozone generators are quickly becoming indispensable tools for anglers, hunters and anyone else who wants to quickly and effectively deodorize gear and spaces, while also destroying mold, bacteria and fungus.?
OZ by ScentLok manufactures the most versatile line of powerful ozone generators today using powerful, proprietary ozone-generating technology. Their new, self-contained OZ Radial 400 EZ and OZ Radial Nano Marine models are purpose designed to help anglers and boaters quickly and conveniently destroy the odors, bacteria, mold and fungus they encounter in their boats, vehicles, homes and other spaces, as well as on their gear.
“We’re incredibly excited to be unveiling our new OZ Marine line of Active Odor Destroyers at ICAST 2019,” says Nexus Outdoors VP or Marketing, Nick Andrews. “Most boaters and anglers haven’t realized the benefits of ozone technology because effective, fully portable products specifically designed for their needs haven’t existed. We’ve put an incredible amount of thought and engineering into these two new OZ Radial Marine models, and we’re anxious to show them to the industry at ICAST.”
Attendees at next week’s ICAST show can see the all-new OZ by ScentLok line of Marine Active Odor Destroyers in the ICAST New Product Showcase and in the OZ by ScentLok booth (#4200).