The Pope and Young Club Now Accepting Electronic Trophy Entries

Chatfield, MN. – The Pope and Young Club announces all trophy entries are now being accepted electronically via email to or In addition, entries are also accepted via fax to 507-607-0668.
Once you’ve had your trophy measured by a certified P&Y or B&C measurer, the measurer can submit the entry by either using the electronic score sheets found currently on our website and signing via ‘e-signature,’ or by filling out manually, scanning and emailing or faxing in the entry.
The preferred format for the electronic entry submitted by the measurer is .PDF or .JPG files. Photos can also be submitted electronically. When emailing entries and photos, measurers, please note in the subject line the hunters’ name, animal species, and score. This is especially important if submitting several animals for the same hunter.
Submission payment options:
1) Call into the office at 507-867-4144 and make your credit/debit card payment.
2) Go to; click on “SHOP,” then “MEASURERS MERCHANDISE.” Choose either the entry submission payment or the entry submission with intro membership payment option. When filling out the payment, either the hunter or the measurer can do this; the purchaser details will be the name of the person paying for this entry. (If this name is different than the hunters’ name, you must then fill in the “ship to” section with the hunters’ name to ensure that the payment gets submitted with the correct entry). If the hunter has several submissions, they can purchase as many as needed. If the measurer is doing this for several different hunters, each hunter must have their own purchase.
“I am incredibly excited about accepting electronic entries,” said Lisa Kohlmeyer, Record/Entry and Official Measurer Coordinator for the Pope and Young Club. “This has been something that has been in the ‘works’ for some time now and is finally coming to fruition. We have been accepting emailed/digital photos for about three years now, and I love that process. I am hopeful that with the ease of submitting and accepting entries in the same manner, it will lead to more entries submitted and happier hunters and measurers.”
The Pope and Young Club is a non-profit North American conservation and bowhunting organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of bowhunting by striving to increase awareness and appreciation of bowhunting foundations, principles, and values. The Pope and Young Club is focused on Fair Chase hunting ethics that support the ethical pursuit of free-ranging, wild game animals without unfair advantage while promoting the conservation of both habitat and wildlife. The Club also maintains the universally recognized repository of records and statistics on North American big game animals harvested with a bow and arrow.