ELEY 38 Super Comp Major Power Factor Ammunition

Major power factor for USPSA. Superior safety. Absolute accuracy and controllable recoil.
That’s what you’ll get with ELEY’s brand new ELEY Action .38 super comp major power factor round. Designed and developed by the world’s most respected sporting ammunition manufacturer, the new competition round promises to be a sure-fire hit amongst practical shooters.
ELEY have called on 190 years of ammunition quality control expertise to deliver and assemble the best components with a specific propellant to provide a safe and effective competition round.
With ELEY Action .38 Super Comp Major, IPSC and USPSA competing athletes can rest assured they have the safest .38 Super Comp Major round on the market.
The round delivers reduced recoil for improved sight picture recovery, and its ‘rimless’ case loaded with a Round Nose copper metal jacketed 124grn bullet offer superb reliability magazine stacking and feeding.
ELEY will be showcasing the new round at the European Handgun Championships in Serbia this September as well as the ELEY ammunition Area 59 championship in November.
ELEY Action .38 Super Comp Major has been developed specifically for use in firearms manufactured to handle Major Power Factor ammunition and tested to as far as possible ensure Major Power Factor is achieved. The reference firearm has been the STI DVC Open 2011 competition handgun, designed and manufactured for use with Major Power Factor ammunition. To test your handgun, contact Dan Killough at Killough Shooting Sports, Winters, Texas.
For more information on the .38 super comp ELEY action or to order yours:
Visit. www.killoughshootingsports.com.