Tactical Life’s Complete Book Of Reloading Goes Digital

(Nashville, Tenn.)
Gun sales are surging to all-time “Obama-like” highs, and the latest toilet paper and ammo famines are kicking into overdrive. It’s worth noting, those who were already reloading ammunition were cool as can be, knowing full well they weren’t fearful of running out of feed for their firearms.
No, COVID-19 didn’t spur us on to create the free Tactical Life Reloading Zone video series, we’ve had it in the works for a while. In fact, it’s a spin-off of our annual print publication TL’s The Complete Book Of Reloading, which is available for purchase at OutdoorGroupStore.com under the “specials” category. And now, season one of Athlon Outdoors’ Reloading Zone is ready for your viewing pleasure at Tactical-Life.com/ReloadingZoneSeason1.
Show Overview
Handloading is an enjoyable and rewarding activity. Those who decide to craft their own rounds enjoy better accuracy, reduced-cost, and the uninterrupted supply of their favorite rounds.
Join Athlon Outdoors content creator and host Frank Melloni as he takes viewers through the basic steps of reloading to get them up and running. From equipment selection to reading a manual, Melloni thoroughly explains the process and demonstrates how to make rounds that will be the best you have ever shot through your rifle or pistol.
In this series, we set up our Frankford Arsenal reloading bench with RCBS equipment to create some high-quality ammunition through the use of Starline brass, Hodgdon powder and Barnes bullets. Broken down into four parts, the series guides the new reloader from the gun store to their workshop, through the process, and back to the range.
Episode one covers the basic starter equipment, and episode two cuts to the chase with the topic of resizing brass. Powders and primers are the focus of episode three, and episode four caps things off with bullet seating and crimping tutorials.
This series does come with a special warning. Reloading your own ammo can become an addiction that you’ll never be able to shake.
To watch this free 4-part series, please check out Tactical-Life.com/ReloadingZoneSeason1 and the Athlon Outdoors virtual newsstand at OutdoorGroupStore.com.
Athlon Outdoors is the premier content source for the shooting lifestyle, personal defense, tactical and survival audiences. You can find them on Instagram at @AthlonOutdoors. You can also experience Athlon Outdoors content at any of its websites: