TrueTimber® AirPack™ Inflatable Ground Blinds Feature Revolutionary Air Technology

TrueTimber® AirPack™ Inflatable Ground Blinds Feature Revolutionary Air Technology
INMAN, S.C. – April 7, 2020 – The new patent pending TrueTimber AirPack inflatable ground blind series is a groundbreaking improvement on complacent technology. For decades hunters were sold on different sizes, shapes and configurations erected with the same old framework. Advancing beyond cumbersome and breakable rod and pole frames, TrueTimber AirPack blinds are supported by ultra-durable beams filled with air, giving the blinds a strong support system while maintaining flexibility and an ultralightweight design. TrueTimber AirPack ground blinds, constructed in multiple TrueTimber camo patterns and material options, are expected to be available mid-2020.
The AirPack blind can go anywhere a hunter can—it fits into a standard-sized backpack in matching TrueTimber camo and weighs between 15 and 22 pounds depending on the model. The package includes the backpack, a one-handed silent air pump and blind with additional pockets for extra gear. The blind can be completely inflated and ready to hunt in less than two minutes.
“This is truly revolutionary technology that will change the mindset hunters have about ground blinds,” said TrueTimber CEO Rusty Sellars. “Ground blinds have always been a hassle to transport, set up and maintain once out in the field. With these blinds, we have virtually eliminated all of those issues and created a lightweight, easy to move and set-up package that is strong enough to handle the elements, including wind, rain/snow and even trees and limbs.”
Takedown and repacking the blind takes even less time. This innovative package is mobile, quiet and has little to no impact on habitats and game, giving hunters the ability to utilize a ground blind where never before imaginable. TrueTimber AirPack blinds feature extremely durable construction and offer a five-year bladder warranty on all models.
Once setup, AirPack blinds are able to withstand wind, heavy ice or snow accumulation and other elements that damage and destroy conventional ground blinds with rods or poles. The air technology and flexible components in the AirPack blind allow the blind to bend and partially collapse to prevent damage from buildup of snow or falling debris and then regain its shape once removed. The kit also includes patches that can quickly and easily be applied in the field.
To learn more about the entire TrueTimber product line and see all available patterns, visit Retailers can order now by contacting Details about future product launches can be found on TrueTimber’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.
About TrueTimber
Founded in 2005, TrueTimber is based in Inman, South Carolina and is the most realistic, performance-driven camouflage brand in the industry. TrueTimber offers a wide variety of clothing items and accessories, featuring 27 distinct camo patterns that perfectly blend with their surroundings. The company spends countless hours researching, testing and seeking new technology to produce the most effective and lifelike camouflage patterns possible. TrueTimber products can be found in retailers across the United States and Canada, and it continues to be one of the fastest growing camouflage companies in the world. For more information about TrueTimber, visit