MEPRO Adjustable Day/Night Sights

Do you want to shoot your pistol accurately at greater distances than your fixed sights are capable of? Most handguns come from the factory with fixed sights. Point of aim and point of impact are close out to seven to ten yards and most likely will be fairly close out to 25 yards which is good for concealed carry. Several of the various competitive shooting disciplines require you to shoot 50 plus yards and on occasion out to 100 yards. The extended target distance demands point of aim and point of impact accuracy. In other words, you need to be precise as to where your bullet hits. Meprolight has you covered with adjustable—windage and elevation—self-illuminated day/night sights.
The highly fluorescent coating enhances visibility during the day and combined with tritium allows you to see your sights under low-light and night time conditions. Test results by marksmen and journeymen level shooters have shown an increase of over 85% in hit efficiency, using MEPROLIGHT adjustable self-illuminated sights. The combat proven self-illuminated day/night sights enable you to hit stationary or moving targets under low-light conditions with dramatically increased hit probability. The sights are rugged and built to function under all conditions which is why the IDF and militaries / law enforcement agencies worldwide use them.
MEPRO Self-Illuminated Adjustable Day/Night Sight models are available for Glock, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Springfield XD series, H&K as well as the Sig P series. Unique Advantages:
- Tritium Powered Means No Batteries – No Switches
- Daytime Confidence Under Low Light Conditions.
- The Brightest Night Sights Available Today.
- TRU-DOT® for Rapid Instinctive Aiming.
- Totally Integrated Day/Night Sighting.
- Maintenance Free.
- Positive Adjustment for windage and Elevation.
For more information or to find your local Meprolight Dealer, visit or call (717) 985-4482. You can also visit our online partners: OpticsPlanet, MidwayUSA or Focus Camera.