Hank Forester to Share Field to Fork R3 Success at POMA’s Virtual Conference

ATHENS, GA– Hank Forester, Assistant Director of Hunting Heritage Programs for the unified Quality Deer Management Association and National Deer Alliance (QDMA/NDA), will share the success of the Field to Fork adult hunter recruitment program when he speaks at the Professional Outdoor Media Association’s virtual conference on Wednesday, August 12 at 11 a.m. EST.
Forester co-founded Field to Fork as food-based outreach to non-hunters that provides instruction and mentored hunting experiences to adults who are interested in learning how to hunt their own wild, local venison. Piloted in Georgia in 2016, Field to Fork expanded to 25 events in 17 states in 2019. Nearly 80% of participants are continuing to hunt on their own.
Forester will join Jim Curcuruto, Director of Research and Market Development for the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), to speak on the importance of engaging new outdoorsmen and women. The role of traditional outdoor media in supporting programs like NSSF’s +ONE Movement and Field to Fork will also be discussed. Discussion will also include ways to build on the initial shooting-sports industry Field to Fork hosted for Ruger and Sig Sauer employees, proving that the industry can lead by example and mentor aspiring hunters within their companies while inspiring their customers to do the same.
POMA pivoted this year to a two-day virtual conference, August 11-12, for members and interested outdoor communicators. For more information and to register, visit www.professionaloutdoormedia.org.
QDMA is a Cornerstone Corporate Partner of POMA and has been since the media organization was formed in 2005. POMA’s mission is to foster excellence in communications at all levels, help members build their businesses, connect media and industry, promote fair and honest communication of the traditional outdoor sports and conservation stories, and mentor the next generation of traditional outdoor sports communicators.
About QDMA
QDMA is dedicated to ensuring the future of white-tailed deer, wildlife habitat and our hunting heritage. Founded in 1988, QDMA is a national nonprofit wildlife conservation organization with members in all 50 states and Canada. To learn more about QDMA, call 800-209-3337 or visit www.QDMA.com.
About NDA
The mission of the National Deer Alliance (NDA) is to serve as the guardian of wild deer conservation (white-tailed deer, mule deer, black-tailed deer, coues deer, and Key deer), and our hunting heritage. Formally incorporated in May 2015, the NDA is driven to assemble and unite a diverse group of stakeholders that includes hunters, managers, and the hunting industry to help create positive outcomes for deer and deer hunting.