Pope and Young Club Announces Membership Drive

Chatfield, MN – The Pope and Young Club is proud to announce our two- and four-year membership drive featuring products from our Corporate Partner, Outdoor Edge. All new 2-year memberships receive a free Outdoor Edge ChowPal. 4-year memberships will receive the Wild Pair knife set courtesy of Outdoor Edge.
Supplies are limited, so don’t wait. Stand with the P&Y Club to protect the future of our bowhunting heritage and promote the conservation and welfare of North American habitat and wildlife.
“We have all seen how easy it is to lose what generations before us worked so hard to establish,” said Rick Mowery, Communication/Marketing Manager for the Pope and Young Club. “We encourage all serious bowhunters to stand with us. Now more than ever, we need the support of bowhunters to ensure that our bowhunting heritage is protected. Your support ensures that bowhunting may be enjoyed by generations of bowhunters yet to take the field. Outdoor Edge has generously provided these great products as a thank you for becoming a Pope and Young Club two- or four-year member. The only requirement is to be a bowhunter that cares.”
The Pope and Young Club is a non-profit North American conservation and bowhunting organization dedicated to promoting and protecting bowhunting by striving to increase awareness and appreciation of bowhunting foundations, principles, and values. The Pope and Young Club is focused on Fair-Chase hunting ethics that support the ethical pursuit of free-ranging, wild game animals without unfair advantage while promoting the conservation of both habitat and wildlife. The Club also maintains the universally recognized repository of records and statistics on North American big game animals harvested with a bow and arrow.
Pope and Young Club www.pope-young.org • Ph: 507.867.4144
Please follow Pope and Young’s social media pages.
Facebook – @PopeAndYoungClub • Instagram – @popeandyoungclub • Twitter – @PopeYoungClub