Transform Your Own Urine Into Powerful Deer Attractants

Finally, an answer we can all agree on. To pee or not to pee? Consider the matter solved with Whitetail Attractants from ScentRelief®. A revolutionary technology combining chemical research with human and animal biology, Whitetail Attractants from ScentRelief® transform your own human urine into a powerful attractants and natural cover scents.
Does the smell of human urine disturb deer or not? You can settle the debate about whether or not you can safely pee in the woods without alerting a whitetail to your presence. With Whitetail Attractants from ScentRelief®, now you can be certain your odor won’t disrupt your hunting plans. Converting your own urine into a powerful attractant is a safe and effective way to dispose of your waste and transform it into a valuable whitetail attractant. With a full lineup of options, including Estrous, Doe, Buck, and Tarsal scents, the Whitetail Attractants series from ScentRelief® will transform your waste into a renewable and economical replacement for expensive deer urine products. Simply capture your urine in the provided bottle, neutralize it with the included powder, and add the provided liquid attractant to immediately camouflage your own waste odor and convert it into a powerful deer temptation.
How it works: Urinate into the provided oversized bottle and allow the odor neutralizer powder to go to work. Neutralized urine can be safely discarded without worry of alerting any nearby wildlife. Hunters can also take their scent camouflage a step further by adding an enhancer liquid to convert the would-be waste into a potent deer attractant. Mix the enhancer liquid with the urine and you’ve instantly turned what could have been a distracting, undesired smell into an intoxicating odor deer will gravitate towards.
About ScentRelief®
Transform your urine into valuable attractants and cover scents with patent-pending technology from ScentRelief®. The odor neutralizing experts at ScentRelief® have taken years of chemical research and biology and placed it all in a bottle, literally! Never run out of fresh deer attractant again! ScentRelief® uses an advanced-technology system called Neutra-Vert™ that neutralizes and converts the odor and acid present in human urine and transforms it into effective attractants and natural cover scents. GUARANTEED!
Available in a wide variety of odor stopping neutralizers and an assortment of whitetail attractants, the proprietary technology found in ScentRelief® defuses the odor causing compounds present in uric acid and combines your own urine with Synthesized Identical Compounds (SICs) to create unbelievably effective scents concealing human odors and drawing in that trophy over and over again. Available in individual bottles or by the bundle, attractants and cover scents from ScentRelief® will make your waste useful, your hunting more comfortable, and your walls more decorated! — Relief That Makes Scents!™