CMP Announces Photography Contest

Welcome youth photographers! The CMP would like to announce a contest for all junior athletes, to define the shooting sports through their lenses.
The shooting sports mean something different to all of us, but we can all agree that they certainly have some sort of impact on our lives. We would like to see how the shooting sports have impacted yours, whether through the People who have influenced you, the Places where you grow as a competitor or through the Things that you use.
This competition is all about your personal views of the shooting sports and we would love to see the variety and positivity that shooting has brought to the lives of our young supporters.
The CMP Photography Contest will begin Wednesday, September 30, and run through Sunday, November 15.
During that time, you may submit your photo(s) with a small caption of what the photograph captures in your eyes. You may submit one photograph in every category (People, Places, Things). All photos that are submitted by November 15 will be pre-selected by CMP Staff, with the top 25 in each category released for voting on our Facebook page by all of our athletes and fans. Voting will end on Monday, November 30.
In order to enter, simply snap a photo and without major editing (you may adjust minor color, exposure, contrast, dust corrects), send it to, with a maximum size of 4MB. (Please keep the original photo – we may request access to that at a later time.)
Be sure to include your name, caption for the photo and other required information. View contest rules at Please thoroughly read all rules before entering.
Best part of all, if you are selected as a winner, you may be featured on the cover of CMP’s junior magazine, On The Mark, used in CMP Publications, and will win a cash prize!
We can’t wait to see the many photos that exemplify the shooting sports. They are our mutual passion and we hope you will share your own part of that with us.
– By Chance Cover, Program Support Staff
The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. It is dedicated to firearm safety and marksmanship training and to the promotion of marksmanship competition for citizens of the United States. For more information about the CMP and its programs, log onto