The National Deer Association Becomes a Unified Organization for Deer Conservation

ATHENS, GA (November 10, 2020) – The National Deer Association (NDA) has finalized a name, mission, leadership team and strategic vision for promoting wise stewardship of North America’s most iconic and important wild game animal. Forged from the combined strengths of two successful organizations, the Quality Deer Management Association and the National Deer Alliance, the new non-profit National Deer Association is adapted to work more effectively for deer and hunters in the altered landscape of wildlife conservation.
Combined Strengths, New Focus
The unified National Deer Association has a combined 38 years of action that has shaped deer conservation and changed the way deer are managed. Each contributor to the new Association brings members, volunteers, corporate sponsors, state and federal agency partners, and many more resources to lead the charge. New challenges call for adaptation, engagement with new demographics, and a fresh approach to protect deer, hunters and the hunting industry.
CEO Nick Pinizzotto and the new leadership team have reshaped the organization to meet the new challenges and be better positioned for future success.
“I’m very proud of where we are as an organization today,” said Pinizzotto. “The merger decision and announcement earlier this year was a key first step. However, the way the team has come together and made the necessary internal and external adjustments is extraordinary. We made a lot of tough decisions that better position us to achieve our conservation mission.”
Refined and Ready
A new, ambitious strategic plan calls for a concentration of effort in four critical areas.
Education and Outreach: The National Deer Association will carry forward the reputation for reliable information for hunters, empowering them to be more informed, successful and engaged stewards of deer and wildlife. Teaching the non-hunting public about the keystone position of deer in the success of all wildlife conservation will be a new goal. Familiar programs, titles and multi-media channels will be strengthened and broadened through key partnerships in the hunting industry.
R3: The highly successful and tested Field to Fork adult hunter recruitment program will be the cornerstone of the National Deer Association’s R3 effort aimed at growing hunter numbers, instilling a desire among experienced hunters to serve as mentors, and increasing acceptance of hunting among the general public.
Policy and Advocacy: Protecting deer and hunting requires skill in the rooms where wildlife policy and legislation are formed. Though both parent organizations spent considerable time in this arena, Pinizzotto in particular brings experience on Capitol Hill to the team. Uniting hunters behind wise deer policy is a primary goal.
Deer Diseases: A number of diseases, most notably the always-fatal chronic wasting disease (CWD), present serious threats to the future of all deer species and deer hunting traditions. The National Deer Association will build a coalition of hunters, wildlife agencies and scientific experts to answer these threats.
Internally, the strategic plan calls for more consistent engagement with members and volunteer Branches to implement the Association’s mission. Organizational health will be enhanced through an overhaul of the fundraising model and budgeting that will ensure maximum efficiency in the use of member dollars.
“We are poised to accomplish the hard work that will make a difference,” said Pinizzotto. “We have a staff with a proven track record that combines new resources and vision. We’ve also enjoyed great support from members, volunteers, key sponsors and partners, as well as state and national agencies and non-government organizations. We’re excited to announce the new name, give people a look at our organization, and get to work.”
Another key step in the combination of two organizations was solidifying a new board of directors. Many people from both organizations were instrumental in merger discussions, and a new, combined board of directors looks to use the momentum generated to propel the National Deer Association forward.
The National Deer Association combines the strengths, resources and core initiatives of two organizations into a single, modernized outfit able to serve deer, hunters and the industry more effectively at a time when the need is greatest. The new group has the resources and vision to ensure the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat and hunting for the next generation.
Additional information on the new organization, including the leadership team, board of directors, membership information and more, is available at
About the National Deer Association
Formally launched on November 10, 2020, the National Deer Association is a non-profit deer conservation group that leads efforts to ensure the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat and hunting. Formed by combining the strengths of two long-serving, successful organizations, the National Deer Association has a combined 38 years of action that has changed deer management for the betterment of hunting and protected North America’s most vital and admired game species for future generations.