NSSF: Arkansas Stand Your Ground Bill in Jeopardy

Arkansas Member Alert: Stand Your Ground Bill in Jeopardy
SB 24 was voted down in the House Judiciary Committee

In Arkansas yesterday, Senate Bill 24, the critically important Stand Your Ground legislation, was voted down in the House Judiciary Committee. In a procedural move to save the bill, your representative will have the opportunity tomorrow, February 4, to vote to pull the legislation out of committee and send it directly to the House floor for a vote by the full House of Representatives.

SB 24 recognizes a citizen’s right to engage in self-defense without first being required by law to retreat from an attacker. As with the laws already enacted in 34 states, the defender may not be the initial aggressor and must reasonably believe there is an imminent threat of serious bodily injury or death. The defender must also be lawfully present at the scene and not engaged in criminal activity.

This legislation also ensures that any Arkansan who is forced to act in self-defense does not become further victimized by criminal prosecution or bankrupted in civil court. SB 24 codifies Arkansans’ natural right to defend themselves and their loved ones.

Please contact your representative immediately and ask him or her to support the procedural move to bring SB 24 out of the Judiciary Committee and send it to the House floor for a vote of the entire House. Time is critical and you can confirm your specific representative here. You may also reach your representative by simply calling (501) 682-7771

NSSF® will follow this procedure involving SB 24 and keep our members updated.