Michigan: spring turkey season leftover licenses available now

Turkey call ready? Check. Equipment sighted in? Check. Spring turkey license purchased? Buy your license now!
The spring turkey season is the perfect way to kick off a new hunting year and enjoy time outdoors during the spring awakening. If you didn’t apply for a license, or if you weren’t successful in the license drawing, leftover licenses for the spring turkey season are now available. Buy a remaining license at Michigan.gov/Turkey.
Are you looking for a more flexible option this spring? For a longer season, private-land hunters in southern Michigan can purchase a Hunt Unit ZZ (Hunt 0301) license for April 17- May 31.
The Hunt 0234 license is another great option for new or seasoned hunters. This guaranteed license allows you to hunt the entire month of May, on public and private lands statewide, except for public lands in Unit ZZ (southern lower peninsula). Learn more about the Hunt 0234 License in the Spring Turkey Digest.
Find the season bag limits, hunting regulations and a place to hunt at Michigan.gov/Hunting.