Biden Announces Six “Initial Actions” to Address “Gun Violence”

With Vice President Kamala Harris and Attorney General Merrick Garland looking, President Joe Biden took to the White House Rose Garden to keep his campaign promise to anti-gun groups and issued six “initial actions” he says will combat gun violence. Labeling gun crimes a “public health crisis,” Biden insisted none of his actions “in any way impinges on the Second Amendment” calling Second Amendment proponents arguments “phony”.

Second Amendment organizations disagree. Biden stepped up that rhetoric, “no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.” Biden’s “initial actions” include directing the Justice Department to propose a rules to stop “ghost guns,” redefine pistol braces, propose action on community violence intervention, produce a pilot “red flag” law for all states, and issue to a report on gun trafficking.

If those weren’t enough, he announced his nomination of former ATF agent turned-anti-gun consultant David Chipman to head the ATF.