Galco’s Day Planners for Hidden Open Carry

Galco’s iDefense™ carries not only a defensive handgun, but also accommodates a tablet computer! The iDefense safely secures a compact or full-size defensive handgun and spare ammo with an elasticized nylon holster concealed within a zipped compartment. The tablet is held in place outside the gun compartment on a sturdy backing plate that’s fully adjustable for tablet angle.
The Hidden Agenda™ is a handgun carrying case that is also a fully functional day planner. The separation of holster compartment and business tools puts it on the self-defense agenda in settings that require complete discretion. It comes with a Day Runner calendar and pad of ruled paper.
Whether you’re casually dressed or in business attire, Galco’s compact carrying case may be your best plan for defense. Masquerading as a compact day planner, the Defense Planner™ opens to reveal a handgun and spare ammunition.
Made from the same fine leather as our handbags, all three are padded to prevent “printing.” They feature a lockable zipper pull and a removable wrist strap. Holsters and spare ammo loops are elastic to accommodate handguns of various sizes.
See all of Galco’s day planners!