Turkeys For Tomorrow- A Partnership to Help Turkeys Across the Southeast

Tuskegee, AL – There’s a new conservation group on the scene, dedicated to improving turkey populations for future generations. Turkeys For Tomorrow (TFT), was born of a reunion of veteran turkey hunters who got together last June in central Alabama for a weekend of fellowship and good food. TFT received 501(c)(3) nonprofit status in February and launched its new website, www.turkeysfortomorrow.org. On Facebook and Instagram, they’re @turkeysfortomorrow, and on Twitter it’s @ForTurkeys.
“During that initial meeting, we agreed something was hurting turkey populations in many areas, especially the Southeast,” said Ron Jolly, TFT’s co-Board Chairman. Jim Ronquest, the co-Chair, added: “Conservation organizations like the National Wild Turkey Federation have been working for decades on behalf of the wild turkey, and we’re not trying to replace any of those groups. But we feel they can benefit from the involvement of a more grass-roots group, to work alongside them on identifying and funding smaller, individual habitat improvement projects.”
Already, TFT is on the radar of many potential sponsors and partners. The group is also actively seeking individual, tax-deductible contributions from individuals, outdoor-related companies, and other conservation organizations. Several donor levels have been established.
“For the present, TFT will concentrate on the southeastern states, where the problem seems to be more serious,” Jolly said. “When our support base expands to the point that we can do it, we’ll start looking beyond this region for worthwhile projects to support.”