Dorsey Shares How Afghanistan Debacle Exposes Biden’s Historic Ineptitude

Excerpt from Chris Dorsey’s latest column in Forbes
In the months and weeks leading up to the last presidential election, any reasonable American—Democrat or Republican—could see that Joe Biden’s mind was, to be kind, slipping. Despite running the most carefully controlled presidential campaign in American history, instances of his public incoherence grew with one bizarre gaffe after another as he transformed the English language into a kind of Pig Latin as we witnessed a shell of a man increasingly speak in tongues. Thankfully for Biden, most of the people around him as he stumbled his way through teleprompter reads and a handful of press conferences were wearing masks—there was no way to see their grimaces or laughter in the face of a potential presidency that would ultimately devolve into a punchline for all the world to witness.
Prior to the election, the common refrain from Democrats (at least privately) was that it didn’t really matter that Biden was compromised because there would be highly qualified, competent people surrounding him (and he wasn’t Trump, which was qualification enough for most of them). That somehow, abracadaver, the free world would cruise on autopilot. After all, Washington is brimming with wise, competent people. Seven months into the nation’s experiment with a leaderless government, we can dispel that notion.
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