Convergent Overseer Predator Pro Pack

Euless, Texas (September 7, 2021) – Convergent’s Overseer Predator Pro Pack is a set of easy-to-use mouth-blown predator calls designed by Master Call Builder Kerry Carver and professional predator hunter Byron South. So when you need realistic sounds to bring predators in, the Overseer Predator Pro Pack is the perfect handheld solution.

Predators such as coyotes often move into areas where they haven’t been historically numerous. In many cases, they begin to compete with human hunters for wild game, sometimes severely reducing natural populations of desirable species such as deer and wild turkey. It’s only natural that hunters wishing to reduce the number of predators can attract them by using the sounds of wounded or distressed animals. The Predator Pro Pack contains a trio of the best calls ever made for this purpose.

The Overseer Open Reed Predator Call is often relied upon by professional hunters due to its wide range of sounds, offering the ability to make high-pitched bird sounds, raspy distressed-jackrabbit sounds, and everything in between. The Open Reed Overseer can even be used to imitate coyote howls and ki-yis, all while resisting reed freeze. In addition, its thin Mylar reed makes it easy to blow, and the unique tone board design helps hunters easily transition from low to high pitch sounds.

The Overseer Predator Bite Call offers a rubber mouthpiece, which hunters can “bite” to change its tone and create a wide range of distressed-animal sounds. Adjusting one’s pinch point and air pressure enable callers to create “emotion” in the call to get predators excited about coming in – even those call-shy critters who have learned to be wary of coming to calls.

The Overseer Closed Reed Cotton Tail Call brings simplicity and consistency to your calling, ensuring the perfect sound every time. Neither lip position nor bite pressure matter with this call, making it extremely easy to use. To vary the pitch and volume of the calling, use your hand to create some backpressure. The double stainless steel reed is designed to last a lifetime, ensuring that a hunter’s calls will always sound like a cottontail rabbit in distress.

Pity the predator pursued by hunters armed with the Convergent Overseer Predator Pro Pack; they simply won’t stand a chance.


  • Set of 3 professional-grade mouth-blown predator calls
  • Designed by Master Call Builder Kerry Carver and professional predator hunter Byron South
  • From the maker of the Convergent Bullet electronic calling system
  • Includes Overseer Open Reed Call, Overseer Bite Call, and Overseer Closed Reed Cotton Tail Call
  • Create realistic, professional-quality sounds and volume with minimal air pressure
  • Three different reed styles create different sounds
  • Easy to use and master for beginner or a seasoned pro
  • Lanyard groove in call body


  • Length of each call: 3.50 inches
  • Width of each call: 1.125 inches
  • Weight of each call: 2.4 ounces
  • Pro Pack Item number:
  • MSRP: $ 34.95
Where experience, innovation, and passion meet, you will find Convergent Hunting Solutions. Convergent Hunting Solution’s forward-thinking predator calls are developed from decades of hunting experience across multiple continents. The result of these efforts is a line of game calls that are superior in quality and value. From mouth-blown hand calls to smart-phone controlled calls and decoys, Convergent Hunting Solutions leads the way with experience, passion, and innovation. 100% Made in the USA.
For more information, please visit WWW.CONVERGENTHUNTING.COM