Michigan Pumpout Grant applications due Nov. 5

Public and private marinas open to the public are encouraged to apply for Michigan Pumpout Grant Program funds this fall. Approximately $200,000 is available annually, though individual award amounts will vary based on project scope.
Applications with all required materials are due by 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 5.
Apply for the grant ?
Funds applied for during this round should be available for projects beginning in spring 2022. Marinas can use these grant dollars to fund up to 75% of eligible project costs, with the marina providing the remainder.
This grant program, administered by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Michigan Sea Grant, helps reduce pollution from vessel sewage discharges by encouraging safe disposal of recreational boater sewage. Applicants can use the funding to build new pumpout and dump stations or upgrade existing facilities.
No more than a $5 fee can be charged to the public for use of these grant-funded facilities.
Questions? Please email MichiganPumpouts@umich.edu.