RCBS Launches Improved Reloading App

RCBS App for iOS and Android Puts More Precision at Shooters’ Fingertips
OROVILLE, Calif. –– RCBS®, the leading manufacturer of ammunition reloading equipment for rifles and pistols, is pleased to announce the launch of its new and improved RCBS app, now available to download free for both Apple and Android devices.
The recently released app goes above and beyond with the ability to work across the entire lineup of RCBS Bluetooth-enabled dispensers: MatchMaster, ChargeMaster Supreme and ChargeMaster Link. With the app at a user’s fingertips, calibrating any of these dispensers is a breeze.
Once calibrated, a user can go straight to dispensing, entering in powder information and required dispensation weights. When paired with the MatchMaster, dispensing can be completely customized as well. Each loading session provides intelligent feedback, including notations on over- and under-charges, length of the session, and number of charges thrown, all of which aids the shooter during future loading sessions.
At the range, the RCBS app’s “Load Log” tracks the progress of your reloading / handloading process. Start by creating a firearm profile with make, model, cartridge, round count, rate of twist, scope manufacturer, scope height, free-bore length and any other data that might affect accuracy. Then create a new load profile, entering critical load data such as:
- Bullet manufacturer, model, weight and dimensions
- Powder charge weight and dispenser device information
- Powder manufacturer, type, lot number, production date and date the container was first opened
- Primer manufacturer and type
- Case manufacturer, trim-to length, neck thickness, overall length, annealing temperature and time, total firings per case, and total firings per case between annealings
The app also allows a shooter to enter range conditions including range name, date, temperature, humidity, elevation, barometric pressure, latitude and longitude, and wind (cardinal wind direction, clock wind direction and wind speed). From there it’s all about shooting and recording groups. Users can upload photos – groups, changes to cases post-firing, etc. – for future reference. With the virtual “Reloading Bench,” users can also keep track of all their RCBS products.
“We’re pretty excited about the new app and how complete it is,” said Will Hemeyer, senior product manager for RCBS. “You can use it all or in part. The new app is a perfect way to let shooters wring every benefit they can from their RCBS dispenser and, in turn, help perfect their custom load so that each bullet has unparalleled repeatability.”
The new RCBS app comes with phone and email tech support, so shooters have easy access to assistance at home or in the field. To learn more about the RCBS app or to see the full lineup of Bluetooth-enabled RCBS products, visit RCBS.com.
About RCBS
RCBS has dedicated itself to the craft of reloading ammunition since it was founded in 1943. RCBS started with one simple bullet die and has grown into the leading manufacturer of reloading equipment for rifles and pistols. Reloading is an exact process with tight tolerances. It requires precision and skill to be done correctly. That’s why RCBS makes state-of-the-art products – everything from presses, dies, shell holders, powder measurers and priming products. All are backed by RCBS’s industry-leading reputation to give you a premium reloading experience. RCBS: Precisioneered Reloading. For more information, visit www.rcbs.com, connect on Instagram at www.instagram.com/rcbsreloading/ or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RCBSReloading/.