Michigan: New Turkey Tract dedication at Tuscola State Game Area

This Friday, April 8, the National Wild Turkey Federation and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources will introduce the fifth Turkey Tract in southern Michigan, located at the Tuscola State Game Area.
A Turkey Tract is an area improved for turkey habitat available to hunters.
All are welcome to attend the Turkey Tract dedication. The event will begin at 11 a.m. at the new location in Tuscola County, on Wire Line Road (west side) off Highway 24, just south of Caro.
NWTF and the DNR will provide presentations on the history of the area, management plans and partnership collaboration, and host a tour of the area to highlight the ongoing and future habitat management projects. The Turkey Tract area will feature a parking lot, informational kiosk and hunter walking path.
“We are excited to open a new Turkey Tract for hunters of all types to share in the thrill of harvesting a turkey,” said Adam Bump, DNR upland game bird specialist. “The program highlights areas of public land where the habitat has been intentionally managed for wild turkeys, creating great hunting conditions for a new or seasoned hunters.”
Every Turkey Tract features partnerships with local businesses to provide discounts to those who use the area. Hunters can take a photo of themselves at the kiosk and show the photo at a participating business to receive a discount on sporting goods.
“We are thrilled to help unveil the fifth Turkey Tract location in partnership with the DNR. The department does an excellent job of managing public lands throughout the state to provide quality huntingexperiences,” Ryan Boyer, district biologist for the National Wild Turkey Federation, said. “The ongoing management at Tuscola State Game Area is a great example of these efforts, and how they result in excellent opportunities for hunting wild turkey, other game species and diverseoutdoor recreation.”
Turkeys were wiped out in Michigan by habitat loss and unregulated hunting. But with the determined effort of hunters and wildlife managers, turkey populations have fully recovered, and Michigan has become a destination for wild turkey hunting. To learn about turkey hunting regulations or locations of other Turkey Tracts, visit Michigan.gov/Turkey.
Directions to the dedication event: From Interstate 75/23, take exit 149A and go east from Saginaw on Highway 46/Sanilac Road until reaching Highway 24. Take Highway 24 north toward Caro to Wire Line Road. Turn left (west), and the dedication site is half a mile down on the south side of the road.
Contact Ryan Boyer at 231-878-5131 with questions.