Volume II North American Elk Special Interest Publication
DENVER – The special interest publication Volume II of North American Elk hits newsstands in June with features highlighting best tactics, gear and helpful content for hunters headed to the mountains in search of bull elk.
Recent studies have shown how elk are starting to outsmart hunters and Volume II of North American Elk wants to help hunters fill their tags with proven information for a successful hunt. The publication also offers stories about the impact wolves are having in the wild, as well as the reintroduction of elk in more than 30 U.S. states.
“Feel the excitement of the coming elk season in North American Elk, the only magazine dedicated to helping aspiring elk hunters in their pursuit of the King of Deer,” Editor Skip Knowles said. “Whether new to the game or a veteran of the mountains, North American Elk is designed from the ground up to promote success among elk hunters, all while building energy around the soul-stirring call of the West with the most beautiful imagery and top storytelling.”
Volume II of North American Elk special interest publication also offers useful information and advice about the following:
- WHEN THE ELK AREN’T THERE: Sportsman Channel host Fred Eichler explains how elk are where you find them…and how hunters shouldn’t get attached to a place due to past success, as it simply may not be where the elk are when the season opens. Have a backup plan.
- GET CLOSE TO THE ACTION IN ELK COUNTRY: How to stay one step ahead of elk and beat them at their own game. How and where to camp/bivy, starting at the top to intercept ascending elk, and more. PLUS: How to shed hunt as a scouting weapon.
- THE ELK BUTCHER: An interview with legendary elk butcher Buzz Jones, and how to better care for your meat in the field.
- RUT CRAZY: A photo essay of bull elk doing what hunters love most. A tribute to the beasts that are rubbing, bugling, fighting and wallowing, even as their antlers are bright red with peeling velvet. This feature promises to get hunters fired up for the season.
- FIELD JUDGING: How to make the call when judging bulls that even pros struggle with, and more importantly, set intelligent expectations.
- HERD BEHAVIOR: A humorous explanation on how NOT to take photos of your downed trophy.
- PLUS: Top elk rifles, firearms and 14 pages of gear.
Volume II of North American Elk hits newsstands on June 7 and is sold for $9.99.
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