Absentee Bidding Now Available for POMA’s Live Auction Held in Kalispell, Montana

Pennsylvania – Absentee bidding is now available for POMA’s Live Auction during their Annual Business Conference on the evening of June 16 at the Red Lion Hotel in Kalispell, Montana. Absentee bidding will close at 11:59 p.m. ET on Wednesday June 15, then the Live Auction on the following evening will use the highest bid as the starting point.
Items available on the Live Auction include, but not limited to: Sightmark Wraith Digital Riflescope, Mossberg MC2SC 9mm, Brownells BRN-180 Upper, Bergara B-14 Hunter 6.5 Creedmore, Custom Whiskey Shoulder Ridge Holster by Falco Hosters, Women’s Wilderness Weekend for two and many more items. To bid, visit https://professionaloutdoormedia.org/poma2022live/
The POMA Annual Business Conference consists of three exciting days of educational and networking opportunities. Kalispell will also have suggestions for activities before and after conference to help members make the most of their time in the area. Members are encouraged to register now and book travel early to take advantage of early booking savings.
As with every conference, attendees will enjoy:
- Cutting-edge educational business sessions
- High-caliber speakers and presenters
- Hands-on, interactivef=001JaTneV2JedHey5Ot1BchLVFHhBO700L9P6o81Se1Y0d1O1TAAXelzqVT_san4_LsRR-qvgWioM4g5Ni3Ut6tbBi1yhUw2sdDBDd9TsrLhUArDxnMReMnzRBzWFAFfTWUNLNt3gdFXCLIJR7Y23VP2KBYpOM7-58G4sVd9hilr3e0UUMjpSavxcGSehiwD7skxqAuMH4O2yE=&c=Vk48zgDCn1E6YcbclFAL6i7wDQvr34XL1Kkamx5inrK7S0uJej8bDw==&ch=GzHwgJ9TBC3yyNx5nRQ66M-ga3KXSdziPTO3kxWThDOyVnveOYnZmg==” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener” data-saferedirecturl=”https://www.google.com/url?q=https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f%3D001JaTneV2JedHey5Ot1BchLVFHhBO700L9P6o81Se1Y0d1O1TAAXelzqVT_san4_LsRR-qvgWioM4g5Ni3Ut6tbBi1yhUw2sdDBDd9TsrLhUArDxnMReMnzRBzWFAFfTWUNLNt3gdFXCLIJR7Y23VP2KBYpOM7-58G4sVd9hilr3e0UUMjpSavxcGSehiwD7skxqAuMH4O2yE%3D%26c%3DVk48zgDCn1E6YcbclFAL6i7wDQvr34XL1Kkamx5inrK7S0uJej8bDw%3D%3D%26ch%3DGzHwgJ9TBC3yyNx5nRQ66M-ga3KXSdziPTO3kxWThDOyVnveOYnZmg%3D%3D&source=gmail&ust=1654883214671000&usg=AOvVaw1JyX9uy5YVKfkPfILjHiMV”>POMA Camps and Product Showcase
(All non-shooting products will be displayed at this event, including archery.)
- Shooting Day to showcase new shooting-related products from our Corporate Partners
- Networking events and gatherings to help members make connections, build relationships and work together
The Red Lion Hotel in Kalispell is the host hotel for #POMA2022. All meals, networking events and sessions will be held at the hotel.
About Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)
The Professional Outdoor Media Association, POMA, is a member-based organization that fosters excellence in communications at all levels. Their goal is to help members build their business, connect media and industry, promote fair and honest communication of the traditional outdoor sports and conservation stories, and mentor the next generation of traditional outdoor sports communicators.