Michigan: #RecreateResponsibly with just a few simple steps

During the pandemic, people across the country ventured outdoors in record numbers, to destinations including Michigan state parks, trails and waterways. In fact, visitation to state parks went up 30% over the past two years, with annual visitation jumping from approximately 28 million to 35 million people.

While the outdoors is an important component of many people’s leisure activities and healthy lifestyles, it’s just as critical that we each do our part to take care of these outdoor spaces so they are protected and here for future generations to enjoy and use.

“We’ve seen record numbers of both established and new visitors over the last couple years,” said Jason Fleming, chief of the DNR Parks and Recreation Division’s Resources Section. “Many visitors have grown up coming to state parks and others are new to outdoor recreation. We’re always excited to provide these opportunities to create new memories, but we also need everyone’s help to work together to maintain these natural and historical spaces.”

A new “Recreate Responsibly” video series highlights guidelines and steps people can follow to protect Michigan’s woods, water and wildlife, while also keeping themselves and other visitors safe. Those tips include:

  • Plan ahead.
  • Build an inclusive outdoors.
  • Leave no trace.
  • Be a kind visitor.
  • Play it safe.

Visit Michigan.gov/RecreateResponsibly to check out the videos and learn more about getting involved. If you’d like to help promote the “Recreate Responsibly” principle and video series, consider sharing them on social media. You can also share your stewardship ideas by using the #RecreateResponsibly, #MiOutdoorIdea and #MiDNR hashtags. We’ll see you outside!

Questions? Contact Stephanie Yancer, social media coordinator, at YancerS@Michigan.gov.