Arizona: Fires, Flooding Limit Hunting Access In Units 7E, 11M

Coconino National Forest says closures to affect all hunts in 2022
FLAGSTAFF — The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) advises hunters that the recent Tunnel and Pipeline fires, and subsequent burn-scar flooding, have resulted in serious safety issues that will impact public access into these areas near Flagstaff.
The Coconino National Forest has closed portions of game management units 7E and 11M to address these issues. These closures will limit hunting access for all hunts in 2022. AZGFD is working closely with the Forest to ensure hunters will have as much access into these units as safely as possible.
The U.S. Forest Service administratively closes lands for various reasons, including safety concerns. These types of closures are not necessarily limited to vehicular travel; they also may include access by foot. All hunters are urged to be safe, follow all restrictions, and plan ahead to determine areas of access for their hunts.
“All of us want to be out enjoying the Forest, but it is not worth the risk of injury or death to unlawfully be in an area that has been temporarily closed for valid safety concerns,” said Colby Walton, wildlife manager for Unit 7.
Hunters should monitor this ongoing situation, as updates may be made to the closure order. For the latest closure information, visit