FPC Statement to U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee

FPC to U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee: Stay in your lane. Our rights are not debatable
Washington D.C. — Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) sent a letter to the United States Senate Judiciary Committee informing it that abrogating fundamental rights are not within its purview. FPC’s letter spotlights the arrogance and immorality of attempts to vote away fundamental rights away from the People.
“For a legislative body to suppose that it can abrogate the human rights of the very people that delegate limited, enumerated powers to it is the height of conceit. Especially following the United States Supreme Court decision of N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n v. Bruen… to even propose such a measure is to show unbridled recalcitrance and disrespect to the People the Congress serves. And to consider this legislation, which would if enacted increase state violence by orders of magnitude and put peaceable people in government cages for exercising their rights, is an act of tyranny. We urge you to terminate this awful and contemptible legislation.”
The full letter to the United States Senate Judiciary Committee can be read here.
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