Register for APEX Outdoor Rewards

Reserve your Spot in the 2022 Whitetail Challenge Before September 1st and SAVE
– APEX Outdoor Rewards is preparing for the upcoming fall hunting season and another successful Whitetail Challenge. For 2021 APEX paid out almost $60,000 to APEX Hunters and this fall is setting up to be even bigger. APEX Outdoor Rewards offers state specific hunting challenges awarding a cash prize purse to hunters who successfully record and submit their harvest(s).
Participation in the APEX Whitetail Challenge is simple. Hunters must register in the state or states that they plan to hunt, video record and document a hunt that results in a harvested buck, score that buck with the provided antler measuring tape and submit the animal to APEX. Upon completion of the hunting season the winners for each participating state will be announced. Payout is based off the number of entries with a maximum of only 1,500 entries per state.
If you register for the 2022 Whitetail Challenge before Thursday, September 1st you will save $50 on your entry fee. The standard (first time) entry fee of $275, which includes APEX’s 4K Digital Video Camera package, will now be reduced to $225 so don’t delay! If you want to take your game to the next level, register, record, measure and Reward Your Passion this season with APEX.
APEX Outdoor Rewards is looking forward to the upcoming fall hunting season and additional State Whitetail Challenges. If you’re interested in participating in a 2022 Whitetail Challenge or the 2023 Turkey Challenges, visit for more details. APEX is striving to make more and more states available this season, so be ready to REWARD YOUR PASSION with APEX!
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