Buck Knives Offers Deer Hunting Tips

POST FALLS, ID— Hunting for deer is one of the most popular pastimes in America. Deer hunters take many routes to fill their tags ranging from prowling the Back-40, to sharing deer camps with friends and family, to solo hunts on public lands. According to one US Fish and Wildlife Survey, more than nine million hunters spent on average of two weeks or more hunting deer. If you hunt deer and fill your tag, are you prepared?
Buck Knives offers these tips if you will be hunting deer in the days and weeks ahead and if you are thinking about purchasing a new knife for your deer hunting adventure.
*Select the best possible rifle, riflescope and binoculars, ammunition and other gear you can afford—and handle well. Be certain you can tame or manage the firearm’s recoil and shoot accurately. Adjust your binoculars to your vision, and focus on other key details to get the most from your hunting gear. If you sighted in your rifle or slug gun during warm weather, check to be certain you can see through your riflescope with the correct eye relief when you add more layers of winter clothing.
*Stay aware of wind directions. Deer can see and hear well, but when they detect human odor in the faintest wind, they are on high alert. Move and hunt with the wind in your favor and remember that winds can swirl in mountainous terrain.
* Select the best knife for the chores after deer hunting success. When deciding which knife will work best for caping, quartering or skinning, most hunters use more than one knife. For gutting and skinning, the Buck Knives’ Pursuit Pro Large Guthook knife with an orange or green handle can easily help accomplish several deer processing chores. (Large and small Pursuit knives, and fixed-blade or folding models are available.) For a more classic fixed-blade knife, look at Buck Knives’ 120 General and the 119 Special knives. If a folding knife fits your style and daypack better, consider the iconic Buck Knives’ 110 Folding Hunter knife. Several models are available. For caping, many hunters settle on the Buck Knives Model 102 Woodsman knife with a thinner blade. More details on additional Buck Knives’ models can be found at www.buckknives.com.
*Hunt all day when possible trying to fill your deer tag. The majority of deer hunters hunt until mid-morning or around noon, but then leave or take a break. Those moving hunters can also move deer—and put one in your sights. On cold days, deer are prone to take a midday stroll to warm up or move to a sunnier location or to visit the edge of fields to browse. Pack along water and food and continue your hunt during the midday. Many trophy-quality bucks have been taken in the magical noon until 2PM hours.
Good luck and stay safe!