Live Winter Finch Feeder Cams

A new Winter Finch Feeder Camera is now streaming live from an impressive feeding station in far northern Maine, in the town of Woodland to be more exact. Sponsored by the Finch Research Network and Aspen Song Bird Food the action takes place in the backyard of Bill Sheehan where you can see Evening Grosbeaks, Pine Grosbeaks, Black-capped Chickadees, and other birds frequenting a variety of feeder styles. Aspen Song Bird Food generously provided the camera and sent 1½ tons of sunflower seeds, which should keep the winter finches and other birds coming into view.
To see a live view of the feeders and the birds that visit, check in to Northern Maine Birds – YouTube periodically to see what birds are active.
At the same time, you can see similar birds and others at the Ontario FeederWatch Cam at feeders in the yard of Tammie and Ben Hache in Manitouwage, Ontario at Ontario FeederWatch Cam | Cornell Lab Bird Cams Cornell Lab Bird Cams (
There are also a number of interesting videos you can view of winter finches and other birds visiting feeders, including a great one from the Ontario FeederWatch Cam at Colorful Finches of Canada’s Boreal Forest Share The Bounty Of The Ontario FeederWatch Cam – YouTube