Whitetails Unlimited Grants $11,000 to Harold Hoey Memorial

Whitetails Unlimited recently granted more than $11,000 to the Harold Hoey Memorial Fund located in Nelson, Missouri. The fund focuses on helping outdoor-centered endeavors in Saline County, Missouri such as hunter safety, youth shooting sports, and local youth deer hunts. They also help local chapters of nationally based organizations like NWTF and the NRA.
The fund was named after deceased Missouri Conservation Officer Harold Hoey. Harold’s grandchildren started the memorial fund honoring their late grandfather in 1998. Since then, the fund has contributed more than $150,000 to conservation in Saline County.
About Whitetails Unlimited:
Since our beginning in 1982, Whitetails Unlimited has remained true to its mission and has made great strides in the field of conservation. Thanks to more than 475 chapters, 115,000-plus members, chapter volunteers, and corporate sponsors, Whitetails Unlimited has earned the reputation of being the nation’s premier organization dedicating its resources to the betterment of the white-tailed deer and its environment. Our mission is to raise funds in support of educational programs, wildlife habitat enhancement and acquisition, and preservation of the shooting sports and hunting tradition for future generations. To date, Whitetails Unlimited has expended more than $125.9 million on program services and activities that continue to enhance, and ultimately foster, our mission.
For more information, contact:
Russ Austad, Whitetails Unlimited
Program Services Director: (920) 743-6777, Ext. 102
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