QUWF Preliminary Nest Predator Data is Very Promising for Turkey and Ground Nesting Birds

Buffalo, MO: The populations of turkey and quail are affected by many environmental challenges. Extreme weather, quality habitat loss and by 2 types of predations; normal adult predation and that of nest predation. Nesting survival of ground nesting birds such as turkeys and quail is a critical focus across many parts of the country. It is a known fact; predators can negatively impact nesting survival across the landscape. How much so we are yet to totally measure but this preliminary data of a 3-year study by QUWF is showing a dramatic improvement swing where nest predation is being focused on. Even some biologists may themselves treat predation with blinders on at times, thinking it’s a natural condition that occurs. Unfortunately, when the balance is totally out of whack, science shows a different approach may be needed. Furthermore, predation control is not the total ultimate answer, it is just one of the tools in a land managers toolbox that can and should be used when needed and should no longer be ignored.
“We began setting up our QUWF study farms to trap nest predators where turkey nesting had been literally wiped-out last year” explains Nick Prough Chief Wildlife Biologist and project manager of the nest predation research project. Prough continued “With one set of private landowners we set up a one (1) mile by (1) one mile study area consisting of 640 acres with several adjoining landowners we had walked with to see the total predation of many turkey nests in the past and subsequent low poult counts with decreasing turkey numbers over the past years. These landowners have consistently completed intense habitat work over the past decade but something else seemed to be missing in the puzzle. We set up a trapping regiment where-in every 10- acre tract was to be trapped over the extended new trapping period that the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) had passed into the regulations to address these types of situations occurring across the landscapes. The traps were checked every day during the extended trapping seasons and during the regular trapping seasons. During that time period on this particular study site, we trapped 130 nest predators (67% racoons, 32% possums, 1% other) from the landscape”. Several other satellite study farms in other counties in this study are also reporting high nest predator trapping results and increased positive nesting survival so far this year for turkey broods.
“This spring we filmed the earliest wild turkey brood discovery I have ever witnessed with 8 poults in the group accompanying the hen that were only 2 days old. They were utilizing some of the recently created brood habitat created just for this purpose coinciding with the additional increased trapping efforts. We also observed 7 other nesting hens which we did not disturb, that appear to be on track to producing quality broods as well on this farm. We do have video of the very young poults that were observed in the brood habitat which is great to share with other landowners working on the same increased efforts. The landowner was ecstatic, “QUWF has helped me preserve my turkey population as well as future turkey hunting opportunities for my children and grandchildren and we will continue to increase our habitat and improve nesting survival on our farms for many years to come”.
The QUWF Nest Predator Study will continue for another two (2) years to gather further accurate results and data over all of the participating farms.
About QUWF and the AFC:
The Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation (QUWF), is the only Veteran founded and managed national conservation organization in the U.S., and the only multi-specie and clean stream national organization including youth fishing teams, based in Missouri. QUWF with its partner the American Falconry Conservancy (AFC) “turns-the-dirt™” locally and nationally focusing on veteran and all private landowners with chapters that manage and control their own funds. To join QUWF, get involved or open a chapter locally for upland wildlife and habitat restoration/ clean streams or the youth fishing teams, visit our web site at www.quwf.net or email calderman@quwf.net. QUWF is a proud Conservation Partner of the Bass Pro Shop Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, a member of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and an Endowment Partner with the College of the Ozarks. The AFC and its members are dedicated to the historical sport of falconry and the preservation of upland wildlife habitat and populations. Visit our website at www.falconryconservancy.org for more information.
Preserve the Land and Clean Streams….Build the Habitat….Hunt and Fish for Generations” with QUWF™ and the AFC™.