Michigan harbors have a slip for you

One of the best-kept vacation secrets is the network of harbors that circles our freshwater state, each holding slips for those known as “transient” boaters (or those staying for less than two weeks).
These slips – open to boats longer than 11 feet – are available if you want to overnight on your boat, or tie up for the night and return to where you live or lodge nearby. This is a great option for vacationers or staycationers.
Find harbor locations with slips available using the regional links below. We’ll send another reminder in August. See you on the water!
Be sure to enter your search criteria (dates, boat type, length, beam and draft) to find your perfect spot.
Southern Lower ?Find harbor availability in the Southern Lower Peninsula. |
Northern Lower ?Find harbor availability in the Northern Lower Peninsula. |
Upper Peninsula ?Find harbor availability in the Upper Peninsula. |