Dorsey Covers the Risks of Defunding School Hunting and Archery Programs in Forbes

As America faces a storm of geopolitical threats, endures a flood of fentanyl streaming across a largely open southern border—now killing some 100,000 Americans annually, wrestles with soaring inflation, and experiences unmitigated crime in many of our largest cities, the Biden Administration’s recent move to defund schools that offer hunter safety and archery programs has many questioning President Biden’s priorities. The administration seems to be misfiring on many cylinders and, not surprisingly, Joe Biden’s approval rating continues to plummet. “It’s right up there with jock itch,” recently quipped Senator John Kennedy.
The administration is twisting the intent of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) passed last year—with the help of 15 Republican Senators voting in favor—and the Education Secretary, Miguel Cardona, has moved to block funding from the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to schools that offer hunter education and archery programs. BSCA prohibits ESEA funds from being used to provide training in the use of a, “dangerous weapon.”
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