National Bowhunter Education Foundation Offers National Archery In The Schools Program Support

RAPID CITY, SD – National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF) continues to sponsor the National Archery In The Schools Program (NASP®) as a way to introduce young archers to bowhunting.
NBEF is a 2023 sponsor of the 1st Place High School Team Scholarship at the NASP® National Tournament in Louisville. The NBEF contributed a total of $12,000 toward scholarships. NBEF also donated two Genesis bows proudly adorned with the NBEF logo to the winning school for use in future archery instruction.
By exhibiting at the NASP Eastern Nationals, NBEF shares information about its safety and success-focused bowhunter ed classes and informational materials with the thousands of NASP® participants, their coaches and families.
“These NASP® events and scholarship sponsorships are a wonderful way for us to engage with young archery enthusiasts and invite them to learn about bowhunting,” explained Marilyn Bentz, NBEF Executive Director. “For many it’s a natural extension of their interest in archery and conservation. NBEF solidly supports the NASP® organization and will continue to help move the program forward.”
NASP®’s mission is to promote instruction in international-style target archery as part of in-school curriculum, to improve educational performance and participation in the shooting sports among students in grades 4-12.
“We’re very grateful to have NBEF’s past and current support,” explained NASP® President Tommy Floyd. “Our organizations are working together and share a passion to get more young people into the shooting sports and into the outdoor lifestyle.”
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