Nuts About Crow Hunting

Doug Schaberg poses with some crows we tricked
By Glen Wunderlich
Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)
We set up in the early morning darkness and hid in a blown-down boxelder tree and waited for the world to wake up. Ammo was 12-gauge factory 1 1/8 ounce of #8s with modified chokes. Ran the fighting crow sounds and dying crow with an old FoxPro caller. Decoys included a coyote, lots of feathers, a dozen crow decoys, a Mojo Crow and a Tyvek crow tied to a bamboo rod with monofilament. The elaborate spread goes well with the fighting crow sounds – especially, anything with movement to catch their sharp eyes.
Tip: Don’t use shot larger than 7 1/2 for best results.
Michigan’s season runs through September.