CCRKBA Chair ‘Appalled’ Gun Grabbers Will Be On White House Payroll

The announcement that President Joe Biden will launch a White House “Office of Gun Violence Prevention” led by gun control proponents brought a scathing reaction from the head of one of the nation’s top grassroots gun rights organizations.
Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the 650,000-member Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, was quick to respond.
“I am appalled that Joe Biden is putting the gun prohibition lobby on the White House payroll,” Gottlieb said. “I know that many pro-gun rights members of Congress are working on legislation to prohibit funding for this obnoxious scheme.
“I wonder,” he mused, “how much of their time will be spent keeping guns out of Hunter Biden’s hands now that he has been indicted on gun charges?”
Gottlieb will be hosting this weekend’s 38th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. The event begins on Friday, ironically the same day President Biden is expected to announce this new gun control office. Reports in the national media say the effort will involve White House Staff Secretary Stefanie Feldman, who is described as “a longtime Biden aide with expertise on firearms issues.” Also reportedly on board are other gun control proponents including Greg Jackson, executive director of the Community Justice Action Fund, and Rob Wilcox, senior director for federal government affairs at Everytown for Gun Safety, according to a story in the Washington Post.
The Gun Rights Conference is co-sponsored by the Citizens Committee and the Second Amendment Foundation. It is typically attended by hundreds of grassroots gun rights activists from across the country, and also by many of the nation’s leading Second Amendment advocates.
Gottlieb noted the ironic timing of Biden’s upcoming announcement.
“As if we don’t already have a full agenda thanks to his anti-gun-rights policies,” Gottlieb quipped, “Joe Biden is definitely giving us something else to discuss this weekend.”