Field Dressed Venison to Become Available

NDA and WDNR Provide Community Support through Venison Donations
The Coulee Country Branch of the National Deer Association is excited to announce its latest donation plan which brings field dressed venison to those in the Wisconsin area. Through much of the Coulee Region the deer herd is in over abundance. To help trim the deer herd to healthy levels, many of the members of the Coulee Country Branch will be harvesting and donating venison.
“This is a great way for hunters to give back to the community,” said Kim Zuhlke of the local Coulee Country Branch of the NDA. “The field dressed venison that comes out of this operation is a sustainability grown and high-quality source of protein, so we’re happy to be providing this to the community on top of helping to counteract over abundance.”
For those looking to receive a field dressed deer, the Coulee Country Branch is now collecting names. To be eligible, send contact information to The deer lymph nodes will be submitted for free CWD testing and the recipient will be responsible for the processing of the deer.
In a complimentary program hunters will also be donating deer through the WNDR deer donation program which helps facilitate the dispersal of ground venison to the area’s food pantries. Both programs will have venison available as the fall hunting season progresses.
For more information on the NDA and their partnerships visit To learn more about the Wisconsin DNR please see
The National Deer Association is the leading non-profit deer conservation group and works to ensure the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat and hunting. Formed by combining the strengths of two long-serving, successful organizations, the National Deer Association has a combined 40 years of action that has changed deer management for the betterment of hunting and protected North America’s most vital and admired game species for future generations. Visit or follow @deerassociation on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok.