Free Webinar, “Recovery Progress: Record-Breaking Great Lakes Piping Plover Breeding Season”

Thursday, Dec. 14, 1 p.m. EST/noon CST, Via Zoom and Facebook Live
If you enjoyed some time on Great Lakes beaches this summer, you may have encountered a little, sandy-colored shorebird called a piping plover. These birds are part of an endangered population that has been making quite the comeback over the last decade. This year, a new record was shattered: 80 pairs of piping plovers nested in the Great Lakes region – the most pairs since being listed as endangered! And for the first time in the piping plover recovery program’s history, the birds were released outside of Michigan, the population’s stronghold.
During the webinar, experts from Audubon Great Lakes, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other members of the Great Lakes Piping Plover Recovery Team will discuss the successful recovery efforts, threats these birds still need to overcome and what you can to do help. You don’t want to miss the adorable piping plover chick photos and videos.
After this breeding season, the Great Lakes piping plover population – and the recovery team partners – are flying high. Join us in celebrating these successes as we eagerly anticipate the birds’ return to our beaches next spring.