Michigan Free Snowmobile Weekend is Feb. 9-11

We recognize that snow conditions may determine your ability to pull out the sleds, but when winter weather truly returns, a full weekend of free snowmobiling Feb. 9-11 is a great way to ignite (or reignite) your love of winter trail riding!
Grab your friends and ride 6,000-plus miles of DNR-designated snowmobile trails, public roads and public lands (where authorized). You legally can ride all weekend long without the regular requirement of a snowmobile registration or trail permit.
Also upcoming: Free Fishing Weekend, Feb. 17-18, when all fishing license fees will be waived for these two days. Residents and out-of-state visitors may enjoy fishing on both inland and Great Lakes waters for all species of fish. All fishing regulations will still apply.
IMPORTANT: Please be sure to check weather and trail conditions before you go. Visit Michigan.gov/snowmobiling to find interactive snowmobile maps, trail reports, safety tips and more. And if you’re planning to go ice fishing during Free Fishing Weekend, be sure to review our ice safety tips.