Wildlife Forever Announces Winners of Songbird Art Contest

Contact: Addison Motta AMotta@WildlifeForever.org
White Bear Lake, MN – Wildlife Forever, in partnership with the USDA Forest Service, is proud to announce the winners of the 3rd annual Art of Conservation Songbird Art Contest®. The contest brings awareness to the importance of songbirds and their critical conservation needs. A panel of judges from across the conservation industry selected state and national winners from over 2400 entries.
This year’s contest featured the Northern Cardinal, the Painted Bunting, the Chestnut-collared Longspur, the Red-winged Blackbird, and the Yellow-throated Warbler. After students select and research their species, they create both an artistic rendition and a piece of creative writing.
“Over three billion birds are estimated to have been lost since 1970. As youth engage with songbirds through the Art of Conservation program, they are also learning what can be done to protect these species,” said Addison Motta, Education and Communications Manager at Wildlife Forever.
Winners are judged in three age categories: Kindergarten to 3rd grade, 4th to 6th grade, 7th to 9th grade, and 10th to 12th grade. First place winners in each state go on to be judged for national honors. All winners will receive digital certificates, and the twelve national winners will receive prize packages from Wildlife Forever and our partner AdventureKEEN.
Larger images and state/international winners can be viewed HERE.