Dorsey Discusses America’s Surging Gun Sales and a Revolutionary Way to Store Them in Forbes

With gun sales skyrocketing over the last decade, there are now an estimated 425 to 475 million guns in America. India, with 1.44 billion souls, comes in a distant second to the U.S. in firearm ownership at 71 million guns in civilian hands. With the astronomical surge in American gun ownership—more than 17 million purchased in 2022 alone—there is an unprecedented need to store them… securely.
For Tom Kubiniec, a recovering rock guitarist turned gun storage savant who serves as CEO of SecureIt, a pioneering company that is transforming gun storage and safety, there has long been a glaring need to rethink gun security in America. He speaks in almost evangelistic tones when advocating for gun safety and security. “Traditional gun safes simply don’t address the needs that most gun owners have,” he says. “They want their guns secured from those who shouldn’t have access to them, but they want the right people to access both the guns and their many accessories easily.”
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