Rutted-Up’s Defender Is the Ultimate Hunting Blind

The Defender from Rutted-Up Blinds offers hunters a versatile solution to sitting out long hunts in the fiercest elements.
The Defender features eight large windows that lock out in any and all positions – wherever you turn the handle. The windows are 100% smoked but provide a clear view for filming or hunting in low-light conditions.
Built to withstand anything nature can throw at it, the airtight Defender’s roof measures approximately 2- 3 inches thick with rigid insulating foam, while the floor measures 4 inches thick with crossmember plywood and half-inch plywood above and below the rigid insulating foam. No plywood is exposed to the elements, it’s either covered with steel or fiberglass. Fork pockets are integrated into the base, which attach to the floor of every blind, for safe and easy setup. The Defender’s steel exterior is finished in Mossy Oak Bottomland with 20-year fade resistance.
Inside, the ceiling has inch-thick sound-absorbing foam. The interior walls are fully insulated with 1.5-inch rigid insulating foam and covered with premium automotive-grade sound deadening carpet. The blind features shelving throughout with cup holders and rubber clip-style gun holders for added safety.
All Rutted-Up Blinds are available in three different sizes in nine configurations for gun only, archery only, or gun/archery combo with an interior height of 7 feet.
To learn more about the Defender and browse the full Rutted-Up lineup, visit