Apply to Hunt on a Game and Fish hunter Management Area

If you’re one of the many hunters making plans to head to a Wyoming Game and Fish Department hunter management area this fall, it’s time to apply for permission slips. Applications for HMAs open 8 a.m. July 11. A successful hunting season begins long before heading afield. Securing permission for access is one of the most important planning steps.
HMAs are typically ranches where Game and Fish manages hunting access. These properties may include portions of various private lands, as well as intermixed leased BLM and state lands within the HMA boundary. HMAs are part of the Access Yes program that facilitates the partnership between private landowners and Game and Fish to provide hunters and anglers free public hunting and fishing access on private land and inaccessible public land. Access Yes also includes walk-in fishing and hunting areas, each of which has its own rules regarding species and access dates.
“We are fortunate to have incredible partnerships with Wyoming landowners through the Access Yes program,” said Rick King, Game and Fish chief game warden. “Game and Fish extends our most sincere thanks to the generous landowners who welcome hunters on their land.”
To obtain access to an HMA, each hunter must apply online and obtain a printed permission slip.
“Each HMA has different rules, so hunters need to take time and carefully review the individual HMA Ranch Rules for information on the species that can be hunted, hunt areas within the HMA, number of permission slips available, when and how permission slips are allocated, as well as any other conditions of access,” said Kelly Todd, Laramie Region Access Yes coordinator.
Hunters should be advised that new Type 8 elk licenses are not valid on the National Elk Refuge. Type 8 licenses are unlimited in number and offered to hunters to address specific elk population issues in a portion of the state.
Each HMA has a unique set of ranch rules. It is the hunter’s responsibility to know, understand, and comply with the ranch rules in order to utilize the HMA. Failure to comply is a violation of Game and Fish Commission Regulations and may result in fines, the termination of access privileges, and/or other legal penalties. Hunters should abide by the ranch rules and respect the landowner and the land for continued access opportunities.
There are currently 65 HMAs throughout Wyoming supported by donations and a portion of the proceeds from the sale of Wyoming conservation stamps. Funds donated to Access Yes can only be utilized to provide landowner payments in exchange for sportsperson access. The public can support Access Yes through donations on the Game and Fish website or when purchasing a license, either online or from a license-selling agent. For more information please visit the Game and Fish public access page.