Government Keeps Growing and Seniors Keep Losing

By Glen Wunderlich

The government workforce has grown at a steady pace over the years

Ever wonder why the liberal Democrats never mention this factor in their highly touted overall job growth statistics?  It’s to deceive Americans about the health of the economy.

Also, when they spout off about higher wages, it’s because employers are attempting to keep employees happy versus the ever-increasing inflation.  And, just where does this leave senior citizens?  Losing the value of their savings, as the dollar is devalued.  Cost of living increases in Social Security are paltry compared to the cost of goods and services.

As of April 2024, there were 23.3 million people on government payrolls, which made up 14.7% of the total payrolls in the economy. Local governments employed close to 64% of these people, followed by state governments (23.4%) and the federal government (12.9%). Since the beginning of the new millennium, the government workforce has been increasing steadily—13.3% over the years. This rate of increase may be lower than the corresponding growth in the overall private sector (22.5%), but it is still higher than the growth in key sectors like wholesale trade, retail trade, and manufacturing (where payrolls have decreased).

The above statistical source: 28 JUNE 2024, Deloitte Global Economics Research Center

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