Love State Parks and Trails? Apply for Committee and Workgroup Vacancies

If you are a fan of Michigan state parks and trails and have always wanted to add your voice to the discussion that shapes them, consider applying by mid-March for vacancies on three key advisory bodies that work with the DNR.

  • Michigan State Parks Advisory Committee

The DNR is accepting applications for an opening on the 12-member Michigan State Parks Advisory Committee. Volunteers serve terms of up to four years and meet six times a year virtually or at locations around the state. The ideal candidate will be a resident of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

The committee advises and makes recommendation to the DNR on state parks policy and provides guidance on state park development, management, stewardship, funding and planning.

If interested,

fill out an application by March 10. For more information, contact Barbara Graves at 517-284-6136.

  • Trails advisory workgroups

If you’re as passionate about trails, and you’d like to help shape state-designated routes and pathways throughout Michigan, apply for one of several volunteer positions now open for two of the DNR’s advisory workgroups. These groups are subcommittees of the Michigan Trails Advisory Council, assisting with the council’s duties and responsibilities and providing the DNR advice related to the creation, development, operation and maintenance of the state’s designated trails system.

The Nonmotorized Advisory Workgroup, which meets quarterly, is seeking to fill two positions with a focus on water trails. Successful candidates should have an interest in paddling sports, the Great Lakes and our inland lakes and rivers. These positions are two-year terms. Fill out this application to apply for NAW positions.

Four new positions are available for the Off-Road Vehicle Advisory Workgroup following passage of new bylaws that expanded the committee from seven to 11 members. These four-year-term positions include one ORV safety instructor representative, one full-size vehicle user representative and two at-large representatives. ORVAW also meets on a quarterly basis. Fill out this application to apply for ORVAW positions.

Applications for these trails positions will be accepted through March 15. For more information, contact Tim Novak at 517-388-8347.

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