Michigan: Final Days to Apply for A Fall Turkey License
Skip the store this Thanksgiving and head into the field to harvest a fresh, free-range, all-organic wild turkey for your holiday dinner.
Increase your chances of receiving a license by purchasing a $5 application. The last day to apply for a fall turkey license is Aug. 1. Apply online or wherever DNR licenses are sold.
Drawing results will be available Aug. 16 at Michigan.gov/Turkey.
Enjoy the experience of nature from field to table this fall while sharing a meal with your loved ones. Learn more about how to apply, hunt quotas and hunting regulations in the Fall Turkey Digest.
Fall turkey hunting ?
Questions? Contact the DNR Wildlife Division, 517-284-9453.
DNR COVID-19 RESPONSE: For details on affected DNR facilities and services, visit this webpage. Follow state actions and guidelines at Michigan.gov/Coronavirus.