Tristar’S New 20 Gauge Raptor Shotguns

TriStar Youth Muddy Girl

Youth shooting sports have always been important to TriStar Arms. To celebrate and garner interest in youth shooters, TriStar has expanded its popular Raptor line in 2014 with the addition of a 20-gauge Raptor Youth model dipped in Muddy Girl camouflage and a version featuring the Vista Next Micro Print pattern.Both new models are gas operated, with a 24-inch barrel, and come with a fiber optic front site, swivel studs, and three choke tubes (IC, M, F).

20 Gauge Raptor Features:
  • Manual E-Z load magazine cut-off
  • Vented rib with matted sight plane
  • Fiber optic site
  • 5 round magazine (shot plug included)
  • Chrome-lined chamber and barrel
  • Swivel studs
  • Average weight: 6.1 lbs
  • Stock Dimensions: 1 ½”x 2 ½”x 13”

The Raptor also provides a 3-inch chamber to take 2 ¾-inch or 3-inch shells and allows shooters to use both light and heavy waterfowl loads.  Read more

Post-Heller D.C. Continues to Experience Historically Low Homicides

In 1989, District of Columbia Mayor Marion Barry felt obligated to offer a rationalization for his city’s horrific homicide rate, stating, “Outside of the killings, we have one of the lowest crime rates in the country.” This week, Washington’s WTOP radio station filed a report highlighting just how far D.C. has come from the days when it was referred to as the nation’s “murder capital.” Read more

Add Some Color To Your Next Sight-In Session With Pregame Splattering Targets From Birchwood Casey

Birchwood Casey® has added three new targets to their popular Pregame™ Splattering Target series for 2014. The new Pregame animal targets work great for sighting in rifles, hand guns and muzzleloaders or for just added fun at the range.

Pregame Splattering Targets are now available in Squirrel, Mule Deer and Elk versions. The targets feature full color graphic images of each animal for a realistic shooting experience. Bullet holes “splatter” on impact making it easy to see your shots. The vital area is clearly marked in red and hits there react with a highly visible fluorescent red circle. Shots outside of the vital area react with a white ring so it is easy to see if your gun is dialed in. Read more

CCRKBA: Obama Rewards Terrorists, Punishes Gun Companies

BELLEVUE, WA – Congress must “suck it up and act now” to rein in President Barack Obama and his administration, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today, because at the same time he turns loose five dangerous terrorists who want to hurt us, his administration has been trying to squeeze the economic life out of gun-related companies that have hurt nobody. “President Obama has broken the law by releasing five Taliban terrorist leaders in exchange for one soldier without notifying Congress, ” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “and his administration has been trying to financially strangle gun companies with ‘Operation Choke Point, ‘ and they’ve done nothing wrong. This president’s priorities are way off the grid, and only Congress can stop this nonsense. ” Read more


WASHINGTON, DC, May 29, 2014 – A bipartisan amendment authored by U.S. Reps. Mike Thompson (D-CA), chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, Pete King (R-NY), Elizabeth Esty (D-CT), Joe Heck (R-NV), Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Mike Quigley (D-IL) to strengthen the National Instant Criminal Background Checks System (NICS) passed the U.S. House of Representatives today by a vote of 260-145-1. The amendment provides an additional $19.5 million to help states improve their submissions into the criminal background checks system, bringing NICS funding for Fiscal Year 2015 to $78 million. Thompson offered the amendment on the Floor last night.

“Our national criminal background check system is only as good as the data you put in it, and right now all the information isn’t getting into the system,” said the six Representatives in a joint statement. “When this happens, we can’t enforce the law, and criminals, domestic abusers, or dangerously mentally ill individuals who otherwise wouldn’t pass a background check can slip through the cracks and buy guns. Our bipartisan amendment addresses this dangerous shortfall of information by providing states with the resources they need to get their records into the criminal background checks system.”

Video: Michigan Longbeard Ambushed

By Glen Wunderlich

A check of the weather radar at 4 am convinced me that significant morning showers had passed and only some scattered patches of rain were off to the west.  It was good enough for another attempt to bag a spring gobbler, before Michigan’s late season would end.

Previous hunting sessions this spring had been interesting, but unproductive.  I had outfitted my inexpensive rubber hen decoy with some authentic turkey-feather wings for a bit more realism and, when the first hen of the season caught a glimpse of the “trespasser”, she quickened her pace for a showdown.  The furious hen danced a circular jig around the phony, made a few threatening gestures, and went on her way to breakfast.

The following day Read more

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