NSSF Issues Statement on Facebook Firearms Policy

Facebook today acted to provide clarification to its policies on postings concerning firearms and agreed to provide educational messaging on its platform. We are in agreement that all applicable laws should be observed in the private transfer of firearms. We would have welcomed the opportunity to provide our industry’s perspective, however, and regret that we were not consulted. Facebook’s clarification will not affect the lawful commerce in firearm and ammunition products for NSSF members and their customers.

FAB Defense Offers Magazine Couplers for Shooters in Restrictive States

FAB legal* high-capacity magazine performance improves tactical readiness even where a 10-round magazine maximum is law.   One reason for civilians to own an AR platform is to be able to deliver 20, 30, 40 or more rounds downrange fast, when a maximum tactical response is necessary to protect life and limb in an extreme emergency. Where high-capacity magazines have been banned, the new FAB Defense OMC or PMC Couplers can restore a civilian’s high-capacity safety edge…legally.* Read more

Three different Detroit homeowners used guns to defend themselves against intruders this week

“Giving back” always seems to imply that someone took something in the first place.  In this case, it’s the bad guys taking from the honest folks and giving them some of their own medicine.  And, who, but the criminals doesn’t like the new police chief who says, “I think it’s just a matter of the individual homeowners protecting themselves and finally catching up with the criminals in that enough is enough and they aren’t going to take it anymore,” said Detroit Police Deputy Chief Rodney Johnson.  Details of the latest episode of “giving back” are here…

Senator Markey Announces Bill to Require Handguns to have Microstamp Technology

GW:  More of the continuing effort to legislate handguns from the hands of ordinary Americans, while spending our money on fruitless studies.  And, it’s so important that we should borrow $10 million from the Chinese.  The dream of Democrats is alive…

Joined by Rep. Maloney in calling for $10 million for gun violence research in President’s Budget

Boston (February 19, 2014) – Joined by clergy, local elected officials and gun control and community advocates, on February 19th, 2014 Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) announced new efforts to combat gun violence in Massachusetts and throughout the country. Senator Markey announced introduction of the “The Handgun Trigger Safety Act” to ensure that only authorized users can operate handguns. Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.) introduced the same legislation in House last year.  Read more

Top Hunting and Shooting Equipment Brands for 2013

FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. — Southwick Associates has announced the brands hunters and shooters purchased most frequently in 2013. This list has been compiled from the 36,680 internet-based surveys completed by hunters and shooters who volunteered to participate last year in Southwick Associates’ HunterSurvey.com and ShooterSurvey.com polls. In 2013, brands most frequently purchased included: Read more

Winchester® Ammunition Expands AA® TrAAcker™ Into Sporting Clays and 20-Gauge Offerings


EAST ALTON, Ill. (Feb. 18, 2014) — In 2014, Winchester® Ammunition will extend its AA® TrAAcker™ shotshell line into the popular sporting clays offerings of 12 and 20 gauge. This provides more options to consumers to assist shooters in identifying where and why they’re missing their targets. During this process, shooters and instructors are able to visibly see where they are missing with the AA TrAAcker technology, and can easily make adjustments to correct it.

Legendary innovation at Winchester Ammunition continues with the award winning AA® TrAAcker™, the first game and target load to feature a weighted wad that actually tracks with the shot string. This allows the shooter or an instructor to quickly determine where the shooter is missing – making it easy to adjust and hit flying targets shot after shot.   “A new shooter now can learn how to lead a clay target or game bird almost immediately – that’s the results you get with AA TrAAcker,” said Brett Flaugher, Winchester Ammunition vice president of marketing, sales and strategy. “Now we’ve made it more versatile by offering the AA TrAAcker in 20 gauge, not just 12 gauge. It continues to be a great training tool for shooters, hunters, and shooting instructors, especially when youth or beginning shooters are learning every aspect of the sport.”  The secret of AA TrAAcker is in the revolutionary wad. Read more

Remington Outdoor Company Announces Expansion to Alabama

HUNTSVILLE AND MONTGOMERY, AL – Governor Robert Bentley on Monday announced Alabama has recruited the country’s oldest firearms manufacturer to Alabama.
Remington Outdoor Company (ROC) will expand to the old Chrysler building in Huntsville, and create more than 2,000 new jobs within the next ten years. Governor Bentley joined Remington Chairman and CEO George Kollitides and other state and local leaders for the official announcement. Read more

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